Train Show Videos
Here are videos of our displays from previous years.
Click on the images below to watch them.
2015 display at AMRA
Featuring: Murdoch Train Station, Ghostbusters Firehouse, Cottesloe BeachVideo from our 2012 AMRA display
Parts of the display include: the Space Shuttle launch, Theme Park, an LNG Platform,
an 80's Retro Nightclub, Perth Train Station, Castle and Prehistoric sections
an 80's Retro Nightclub, Perth Train Station, Castle and Prehistoric sections
Our 2011 AMRA display
Included a busy central train station, a working gantry crane, and a concert
performed by Stevie Nicks and Jimmy Barnes
performed by Stevie Nicks and Jimmy Barnes
2010 display video
Display features a large airport, the cruise ship and a concert performed by
ACDC, Fleetwood Mac, Pink and Madonna
Our most watched video - the 2009 display
Features the 14 metre bridge, Live 8 concert and Cruise ShipVideo from our 2008 display
Display includes a 6 metre bridge, cruise ship, theme park
and a Kylie Minogue concert
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